Nokia Windows Phone 7 Phone Release Date

Having long ago lost confidence in the market, and market share continued sluggish, now Nokia is preparing to get back the old glory days with the launch of mobile-phone based on Windows Phone 7 next week or exactly on the date October 26, 2011. This is our news we get from division president Windows Phone from Microsoft in Asia D Conference.

He claimed that the launch of mobile phones that use Windows Phone 7 operating system will be a tremendous opportunity for Nokia and the mobile-phone market to regain interest. He also said that Nokia's success relies heavily on Microsoft's latest OS.
Nokia Windows Phone 7 Phone Release Date
Nokia Windows Phone 7

Still fresh in your mind a long time Nokia has created a giant and master of the world's mobile phone market with their own Symbian operating system. But all that has ended with the birth of the Apple operating system, RIM and Google. In the first phone that will estimate first released by Nokia is the Nokia N9 which has been modified into a mobile phone based on Windows Phone 7. Nokia phones for the next Sea Ray and Sabre as a phone based on Windows Phone 7 will launch Nokia.

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Gadget Name : Nokia Windows Phone 7 Phone Release Date
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Site Name : Cool Gadgets for Men | Gadget Gifts | Gadgets for him
Title : Nokia Windows Phone 7 Phone Release Date.
Posted by : Ryan Blog
Added : October 26, 2011
at : 9:02 AM
Location: 3900 Rd, Coffeyville, KS 67337, USA
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